Inaugural release on Manchester’s latest electronic label Selby Soul. This debut 4track EP from Alps 2 is a baptism of liquid grooves, cathartic progressions and spaced out synthetic rapture. Purifying the more
melancholic elements of artists like MssingNo, Kieren Hebden, Baba Stiltz and Burial into crystalline sugar. A much needed temperate tonic to assuage the oncoming winter.
Goddard - “Thanks, but no thanks” George Fitzgerald - “Not for me” North Downs - “It’s OK”
Delta Sleep - ‘Not really”
Inwards - “Doesn’t play, corrupt file?” Jona Sul - “I like it”
Aluben Noiro - “Link wouldn’t open” The Physics House Band - “Nice” Slugabed - “OK”
Maribou State - “Please remove us from your mailing list”
Published: 8