2012 witnessed the birth of a shadowy transatlantic musical conspiracy known as Bohemian Groove. Taking their inspiration from the infamous Bohemian Club, a conclave of powerful men who met annually at the Bohemian Grove campground in California to plan world-changing developments including the Manhattan Project, this musical axis of evil spans Toronto and Helsinki, with their base of operations in Berlin.
In between heated rounds of ping pong on the outdoor table behind their studio, the three puppetmasters of the Groove make machine-based body music connecting the dots between house, techno, and something altogether uncategorizable.
Having first announced their intentions via a remix for DJ Druzz (known to most as The Rapture’s Gabriel Andruzzi), Bohemian Groove are unleashing their first standalone dance manifesto in the form of the “High Jinks” / “Low Jinks” EP.
“High Jinks” is a moody, atmospheric groover featuring a loopy punkfunk bassline and polyrhythmic percussion. Remixes come courtesy of Versatile Records honcho and Parisian house legend Gilb’r and Portuguese duo Photonz.
“Low Jinks” is a vertiginous miasma of clanging industrial percussion and squealing synthesizers. Meant Records boss Remain turns in a digital-only remix stripping back the chaos to focus on the deeply submerged groove and funk of the original.
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