The year was 1987, and the sun was setting down on the golden sands of Eastern Sierrra Leone, a small, but enthusiastic group of locals were gathering, high spirits and joyous laughter could be heard, and the assembled congregation began to express themselves through the divine coupling of dance and intoxicating drink. At first the sound was distant, but as the cool evening breeze wafted in, the pulsating throb of drums and rhythmic percussion grew louder, crystalline melodies floated inwards, and the burgeoning crowd began to dance with vigor and vitality. It was at this point that I was approached, almost caught unaware, as a porcelain figured girl, with long black hair, beauty like I had never seen before, came right up to me, her eyes wide and full of expectancy, drilling straight into my own pupils. She held out her hand, so small it really dwarfed my own, and a small red pill rolled gently in the very dip of her palm. Her lips un-pursed as she raised herself slightly onto tip toe, and whispered into my ear, “would you like to share this with me?”.......
Key Feedback Quotes:
Sabo - Mamentia is super nice daytime feel good vibernator !
Jesper Aubin - Mamentia is chill. Let’s go dancing on the beach
Audiofly - Mamentia is sick
Sobek - Mastervibes, thanks!
Jonas Rathsman - Mamentia is dope!
M.A.N.D.Y. - Great
Unders - both very beautiful
Pablo Fierro - Nice one!
Sasch BBC - great music here!
Maga - :) vibe
Nicolas MASSEYEFF - Nice music,. Support.
Alberto Blanco - Both are nice, thanks !!
Ken Liu - tribal and cosmic, very nice
Veronika Fleyta - love it
Raed - wow , in love , many thanks
Leo Perez - Voices from Bengalore is my fav!
Ken Fan - Both tracks are awesome
Published: 28