When the award-winning producer, and an internationally beloved DJ, Guy Mantzur, started a new concept, he promised to open his new label with his work. It was worth it to wait! Guy intended to create a series of events under the same name as the label releasing the music by the artists performing at those events. Moments! After Amsterdam, Tel Aviv, and Ibiza parties, Guy started a platform with the releases going hand in hand with the concept. Mantzur wanted a repertoire with artists respecting and expanding the musical identity of Moments. The first release on the label represents its manifesto!
Guy manages to keep the elementary basis of his signature sound but makes a quantum leap into the future. The audio quality of his two-track release delivers a technical precision of scientific research. However, Mantzur achieves to make over 15 minutes of hypnotic journey exceptionally thrilling. Both tracks fuse percussive and tribal influence, spiced by the Middle-Eastern melodic flavors. The material is more than just a powerful dancefloor launcher stimulant but an intelligent and highly efficient doorway to emotional inner space.
Moments! Every one of them matters, but only the first one makes history!
Published: 15