Hi-Ryze brings you Bitter Pill, 4 fresh techno belters produced under lockdown. A solid mix of classic 4/4 techno and digital acid beats with tight modern engineering by Dave Campbell. Mastered and cut by Curve Pusher.
Track a1, I Need (People) is a classic 4/4 techno-house tune with a bitter sweet 90s flavour, nostalgic vocals and nurturing bass. Track a2 Bitter Pill delivers dark slow burning digital acid beats with chilling metallic synths into an edgy mix.
The b side opens with Incantation, a loud empowering 4/4 cut channelling tribal forces to dance our way back to party. b2 Track n’ Trace is a classic Hi-Ryze driving electro groove with cryptic synths, deep subs and restless digital programming magic.
Published: 27