Gottwood Festival's imprint Gottwax returns for its eighth installment. At the controls of this release is the London-based duo 'Make A Dance,' whose playful, party-driven sound has been making waves in the underground since their inception. Delivering a lively four-track EP, which includes two originals and two reworks, all of which are club-ready and certainly have 'The dance in mind.' This is going to make it into a lot of DJs' bags this summer and is not one to be missed."
Kicking things off on the A-side is 'Pocket Beagle,' a playful track that exudes energy with its infectious bassline groove and unforgettable vocal. Make A Dance showcases their slick production abilities and sense of humour with this track, which is sure to be a staple at many parties this summer. Moving to the A2, 'Pocket Beagle (Acid Dub)' is the duo's club-ready reimagining of the A1, injecting some serious attitude and character with its acid-infused bassline and metallic top line.
Onto the B-side, we've got 'Woof Doof.' This track is a real groover, with a lively bass and catchy melody. It's a solid addition to any DJ's arsenal and one you can expect to hear at many parties this year.Closing out the EP is 'Woof Doof (Hardcore Labrador Mix),' the duo's haunting rework that cleverly rethinks the B1 but takes you on a deeper journey. With its heavy drum groove, swelling sound effects, and that catchy top line, this track is tailor-made for those late-night dance floors.
We're excited to welcome Make A Dance to the Gottwax family and share the 'Woof Doof' EP with you.
Published: 14