King George Island’s Admiralty Bay on the outermost edge of Antarctica’s horn is home to year -round research facility Henryk Arctowski Polish Antarctic Station, where -
in eight scientists reside full - time. The “winter group”, as they are called, is responsible for overseeing perennial
scientific data collection through the coldest months of the year.
But after the short summer and a very long winter, the creator of Copacabana Bar decided to leave the Island, the
bar, and its sound system behind. “When we learned he was leaving, The Arctowski facility bought the entire rig from. him with leftover funds from the station’s improvement grant. After that, we began having. dance parties at the base.” The researchers gave the makeshift dancehall the cheeky name of “Bass Base”. “Tourists were coming in from all over the island to party with us. People from Frei, and Bellingshausen,” recalls Flack referring to two other stations on the island. “Our biggest party had 150 people outside dancing in the grass”. “The Needs” was among the most popular and danceable recordings made over that long arctic winter, according to Flack, and is made available for the first time courtesy of Hunt & Gather Music Company of Seattle, USA with a remix by Seattle City Transportation Planner Mark Lippert under nom de plume “Lipps.
DJ Support Confirmed - Viv (Blond:ish), Melon, fred everything, Groove Armada, Catz n Dogz (Voitek), Jimpster, Dan Shake, Hi-Fi Sean,
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