As the world turns the page towards yet another decade the Two Swedes from SpaceTM in MLU embraces new beginnings and paves the way for their very first, and very own musical outlet. MLU Private Press is their new label-not-label and the result of years of joint music making. “We looked ourselves in the mirror and all we saw was us” - it’s a vanity label in the truest sense. An audial outlet candidly and simply releasing streams of future and past sounds flowing through a crack from their Stockholmian mountain and out into the world.
The first release features three tracks of MLU-matic electronics, spanning in making over the last decade. From the energetic rave-sentimentality of “Blue...” eloquently dreaming of approaching future skylines to the sound of breakbeats, to the nostalgic arpeggios of “Astro Travelling Pt. 2”. A track which got lost but recently resurfaced in the MLU lost-and-found bin, recorded almost 10 years ago and sound-wise very reminiscent of their earliest work. The aptly named “Madame of the Magic Mushroom” with it’s mix of acoustic drums and shroomy synthesis ends the 12” in weightless psychedelia recollecting memoria of ecstatic driven 70’s loft-rock.
Published: 24