Trick combines the two recent Patrick Topping and Hayley Topping single in one great 12”.
Patrick and Hayley Topping originally released New Reality in October 2020, but they collaborated
again on ‘Disco Hits’ released this year featuring a remix from Running Back honcho Gerd Janson.
Both releases have now been pressed on this one slab of vinyl for maximum impact!
The second collaboration from the pair, completed in the same session as 2020’s ‘New Reality’,
sees the duo continuing their musical experiments together, bringing Hayley’s ethereal vocals over
an emotive yet pounding, synth-led instrumental.
Gerd Janson supplies an effortlessly classy version of ‘Disco Hits’ by adding his signature discoid
flair, taking the track into an even more leftfield direction, whilst still built for those memorable
dancefloor moments.
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