Medicine used to be, we expected, good for us. Albeit with added sugar. Now medicine is a huge problem in itself, with vast companies caught mis-selling dangerous drugs. It’s one of the biggest scandals ever. How on earth did we get here? Who did this?
The Imbeciles are on the case.
“It’s about the dark side of prescription ‘medicines’. Oxy, Xanax, Ambien, all that. Big pharma is pushing these addictive ‘medicines’ that we don’t actually need, to desensitise / numb / kill. All for profit,” says Butch Dante.
A new classic from The Imbeciles. They know.
Medicine’ remixes still flying!
Fresh tastemaker props this week land from Davide Squillace, Golf Clap, Trevor Jackson, Love Over Entropy, Ashley Beedle, Damian Lazarus, Mathias Schober, Pezzner, Kassian, Upercent, Acid Pauli and De Sluwe Vos.
Published: 29