Internationally-renowned NY duo The Martinez Brothers have teamed up with the influential Miss Kittinfor ‘Stuff In The Trunk’, the latest release to come out on the Brothers’ own label, Cuttin' Headz. Due for release on the 13th May, this package includes the original track alongside an instrumental and a clean edit.
‘Stuff In The Trunk’ is certainly an eagerly-anticipated release, with The Martinez Brothers having already teased it at a select few shows - it’s prompted big reactions at the likes of Caprices Festivaland Fabric in London, resulting in widespread excitement amongst peers and fans alike.
Miss Kittin’s vocals are instantly recognisable, the teasing lyrics standing out against the bouncing bassline and skipping hi-hats. Fast-paced and catchy, it’s evidently a hugely effective dancefloor-ready release.
Perfectly timed to come out just as the duo’s busy festival and Ibiza season kicks off, ‘Stuff In The Trunk’ is an exciting addition to the Cuttin' Headz discography.
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