Tornado Wallace has made a rather rapid climb up the hype list since his debut release here on Delusions Of Grandeur in 2010 and deservedly so. Definitely one to push quality as opposed to quantity, the Melborne wunderkind has chosen to focus on just a select few remixes and releases which has stood him in very good stead and created demand as a DJ and producer with genuine integrity as well as talent. In addition to his two EPʼs on D.O.G he also released an EP for Instruments Of Rapture as well as making remixes for Home Taping Is Killing Music, Kolour Ltd and Future Classic. He is also responsible for one of RAʼs best and most popular podcasts this year.
On the opening track Underground Sugar Caves we see Tornado departing from his more usual slo-mo disco tinged sound heading instead for seriously raw, stripped back house more along the lines of recent Rush Hour or Clone Jack For Daze releases. Shuffling hihats and kick are compressed to within an inch of their lives giving a pumping old school sound while the looping bass, stabs and high string provide just the right amount of musical content to keep the energy level high and the vibe warm.
Flipping over weʼre treated to Insect Overlords where we find Tornado in more familiar mode dropping down the BPMʼs, getting out his syndrums and giving us all a lesson in how to create the perfect peaktime-warm-up track if ever there was such a thing. The track simply flows and pumps in all the right places without ever sounding over-egged or exaggerated proving why Tornado is one of the best producers around right now.
Finally we have the Idjut Boys on board to do their thing with Underground Sugar Caves, and do it they have! What we have here is an amazing warped out, dubbed to f**k remix which keeps the essence of the original but takes things far out into space and injects an unhealthy dose of lysergic. Once again, the Idjuts deliver in spades and show just how heavy and twisted things can get when done properly!
Published: 27