U, is the name of a DJ currently living in London.
Previous records for Man Make Music have proven suitable for the club as well as home listening.
Sometimes it’s not so much about listening to music, but listening to your own ways of listening.
It’s much more to do with hearing your own ways of hearing.
You hear a sound, you hear an emotion.
You hear a friction of emotions, and then you have to decide what those emotions are.
You have decide what's the tension they're generating, the rub between them.
And then you have to name them.
For the immaculate every sentence must be perfect, every word the inevitable one.
For them getting it right is the point.
For the fallible, 'wrong' is only the word for the people who needed to be right.
The fallible, that is to say, have the courage of their gaucheness; they are never quite sure what might be a good line;
And they have a superstitious confidence that the bad lines somehow sponsor the good ones.
In our dreams we can have our eggs cooked exactly how we want them, but we can't eat them.
From this world to that which is to come delivered under the similitude of a dream.
Should it be my lot to go that way again, I may give those that desire it an account of what I here am silent about...
Published: 9