Will Easton’s recent Street Tracks single, ‘Kaleidoscope’, was bursting with vibrant bass melody and soaring piano & strings motifs, and, as always, picked up support left, right and centre from the dance music fraternity.
Another Street Tracks regular artist, VONDA7, is enlisted to add her unique spin on the proceedings and she ably turns out a stellar remix. VONDA7 has been busy as usual with releases on her own
art | werk label and Last Night On Earth, as well as remixes for Huxley, The Micronauts and DJ Haus. On her remix of ‘Kaleidoscope’, she adds a dash of acid over the muscular beats, before the recognizable strains of Easton’s original strings come in over a drama inducing breakdown, delivering a peak time version of the highest order.
Key Feedback Quotes:
Denney - Love it! Thanks!
Charlie Tee - What a beauty!
Elliot Adamson - All over this!
Lauren Flax - love thissssssss thank you! The Aston Shuffle - Love that breakdown Baikal - cool groove
Sonic Union - Pretty banging remix this! great stuff! Chus & Ceballos - Love it!!!!
Cosmonauts - This is cool :)
Nicolas Masseyeff - Nice remix. Support.
Dan Drastic - Love It.
Deepchild - Acid laced disco demonics
Guido Durante - always a fan of acidic vibes Oscar L - cool release, will play for sure, thanks! Himbrecht - Wicked grooves, will play for sure
Published: 6